Remember Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends? In this mid-to-late aughts Cartoon Network show, imaginary friends, when outgrown by the children who imagined them into existence, end up at an orphanage run by a kindly older woman and her lifelong imaginary friend. Well, what if there were no such place? What if, instead, abandoned imaginary friends were left to languish on their own, unseen and unloved, and ended up on a Joker-esque downward spiral to a career of evil and dastardly deeds?
That’s, more or less, the premise of John Krasinski’s new fantasy comedy Imaginary Friends, starring Ryan Reynolds.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Reynolds will play a man blessed (or cursed!) with the ability to see imaginary friends. While he befriends those who’ve been abandoned and stay good, he also has to stop those who’ve gone bad from destroying the world. Krasinski will co-star in an undisclosed role, and he will also write, direct, and produce the film.
THR reports that the film is currently “in the process” of being acquired by Paramount, which won a multi-way bidding war that included Lionsgate and Sony. Since negotiations are still underway, there’s no word on the rest of the cast, a production schedule, or a forthcoming release date.
“Ryan Reynolds” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0